Monday, March 18, 2013

The Week Ahead (En Français!): March 18-24

Ideas to help us all promote French language learning this week, including Washington, D.C. area French-language and cultural events for kids and families.  Please share any other ideas by commenting below or posting to Bonjour Mama's Facebook page!  Bonne semaine! 
L'Heure du Conte -- Alliance Française D.C.

Out and About

($) indicates there is a cost for the event

10:30am – French Circle Time / Petites Chansons at the Takoma Park Library

10:50am - Storytime at the Alliance Française

At Home

Decorate Easter eggs with Boowa and KwalaIt may be a bit early for the real thing, but you can get into holiday mode early and take full advantage of the fun to promote French practice! See the directory of all the Boowa and Kwala Easter-themed games here. Zach's favorite is the chocolate egg factory (usine des oeufs au chocolat). 

Play "Je vois, je vois, devine quoi...". This is a translation for "I spy with my little eye" I loved that was posted on a WordReference forum.  

For example, suppose you are thinking of your chair which is red. You say: Je vois, je vois, devine quoi... quelque chose de rouge OR quelque chose qui commence par la lettre C (chaise) Then have your child ask questions (use vocabulary!) like: est-ce que c'est le canapé? Est-ce que c'est le tapis?  
Zach and I played this today and he proudly declared after my two clues (carré and ça commence par la lettre T ):c'est facile, Maman. La télévision!

If they don't yet have the vocabulary to ask all the questions, switch roles and have them spy the objects and answer your questions. Tip: don't let them answer yes or no; ask thinks like: "est-ce que c'est rond ou carré / rouge ou noir? / la chaise ou le canapé?) which encourages them to speak the words.     

Watch a kid's video in French!  Check the back of your own DVD cases to see which you may already have with French soundtrack (many of the Thomas the Train videos do, for example)!  Explore the library, book/video store/Target, and/or the almost endless options on youtube: "La Nouvelle Peinture de James" from the Thomas videos, T'Choupi et la Piscine, Caillou chez le medicin, et cetera. As with any content on the Internet, monitor carefully, especially as many of the advertisements preceding even the little kids' shows are totally inappropriate for children. 

Plan a playdate with other French-speaking parents and kids!  If you are in the DC Metro area, join or suggest an event on Bonjour Mama’s facebook pageLe Petit Groupe Français, or Les Mamans Autour de DC!

P.S. The DC Grande Fête de la Francophonie 2013 is officially underway! (March 1-April 13). Check out the web site for tons of upcoming French cultural events and activities throughout the DC area for all ages.


  1. Finally, a translation for I Spy!! We've been translating this word-for-word for years, so it will be great to introduce a rhyming equivalent.

  2. isn't it great? We played again today and I did "c": again (I was thinking of 'canapé' and he said - c'est facile, chaise. I thought I had him stumped and then he said - c'est trop facile, canapé! clearly i need to move on to a different letter;-)
