As I was searching for ideas and inspiration ("teaching kids french at home") I stumbled upon a site that had compiled all things Halloween in French (songs, books, et cetera). It was a coincidence that it’s almost Halloween, and it made me think I want to do a better job piggybacking on fun seasonal activities here, giving them our own French twist. I also created a “Seasonal/Holiday” page where I hope to round up fun links for the upcoming mega-holiday season and beyond (I am curious to know where there is anything for Thanksgiving in French…)
Unfortunately, I lost the link, but within a few seconds of googling “jeux d’halloween” and “chansons Halloween” I found tons of other things to explore. I spent some time trying out some games and songs and other resources and pulled together some of our favorites (so far) below.
I think my top pick so far is the chanson des squelettes. It is SO catchy. I find myself singing it randomly throughout the day. But then, that is not saying much since I am the type of person who bursts into song for no reason. But Zach, who rarely sings or asks to listen to music, loves this song! We have had considerable fun inventing silly lyrics (i.e. quand la pendule sonne 3 heures, 3 grand squelettes…… se font peur…mangent du beurre…..crachent du feu….) when we can’t remember the actual ones (see below).
Unfortunately, I lost the link, but within a few seconds of googling “jeux d’halloween” and “chansons Halloween” I found tons of other things to explore. I spent some time trying out some games and songs and other resources and pulled together some of our favorites (so far) below.
I think my top pick so far is the chanson des squelettes. It is SO catchy. I find myself singing it randomly throughout the day. But then, that is not saying much since I am the type of person who bursts into song for no reason. But Zach, who rarely sings or asks to listen to music, loves this song! We have had considerable fun inventing silly lyrics (i.e. quand la pendule sonne 3 heures, 3 grand squelettes…… se font peur…mangent du beurre…..crachent du feu….) when we can’t remember the actual ones (see below).
Boowa and Kwala has so many fun games, and Zach particularly likes the kitchen/baking ones. For Halloween, they have a terrific game where Boowa asks for ingredients to make a magic potion (you choose your potion: great hair, big nose…). You have to listen several times to understand each ingredient so it is a great vocabulary builder, especially as the “yuck" factor is so high (think: bat’s breath, mouse's toenails).
Va-t'en, Grand Monstre Vert!
is another favorite, as well as L'alphabet des monstres
which we have out from the Bethesda library. This one even was popular with the French kids at our local playground. Each monster begins with a letter of the alphabet (D = Dragonsaure, I=Iceberg) The written descriptions of each are a bit sophisticated for our stage (4-5 year olds) but the illustrations are fantastic and each page shows some new development (the monster named "Iceberg" appears by breaking up through the floor, lifting the boy's bed in the air; at some point Dragonsaure breathes fire on Iceberg); so there are endless possibilities for language development describing what has just happened ("Regarde! Dragonsaure a craché du feu sur Iceberg et il commence à fondre!")
I would LOVE to get more tried and tested tools on here, so if you have something that you have used at home with the kiddies that has produced more spoken (or sung) French, please share!
Va-t'en, Grand Monstre Vert!
I would LOVE to get more tried and tested tools on here, so if you have something that you have used at home with the kiddies that has produced more spoken (or sung) French, please share!
Joyeux Halloween!
French Halloween YouTube music videos
French Halloween YouTube shows/videos
Animated French Halloween “books”
French Halloween Games online
(note: use their search engine link at the top and search for “Halloween”)
Quand la pendule sonne une heure
Un grand squelette ouvre les yeux.
Quand la pendule sonne deux heures
Quand la pendule sonne deux heures
Deux grands squelettes s’habillent en bleu.
Quand la pendule sonne trois heures
Trois grands squelettes maquillent leurs yeux.
Quand la pendule sonne quatre heures
Quatre grands squelettes se brossent les cheveux.
Quand la pendule sonne cinq heures
Cinq grands squelettes mangent des œufs.
Quand la pendule sonne six heures
Six grands squelettes jouent à un jeu.
Quand la pendule sonne sept heures
Sept grands squelettes dansent un peu.
Quand la pendule sonne huit heures
Huit grands squelettes marchent deux par deux.
Quand la pendule sonne neuf heures
Neuf grands squelettes vont faire la queue.
Quand la pendule sonne dix heures
Dix grands squelettes reviennent chez eux.
Quand la pendule sonne onze heures,
Onze grands squelettes se mettent au lit.
Quand la pendule sonne minuit,
Douze grands squelettes disent bonne nuit.